Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show x Society Models

Victoria's Secret Fashion Show Collage Fashion illustration Society Models #vsfashionshow #VSFS2015 illustration

Working together with the Society Management (Elite’s NY division who represent Adriana Lima and Kendall Jenner) I created artwork to tie in with the airing of the 2015 Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show.

The illustration features Society’s 8 models walking in the show:

Adriana Lima
Bridget Malcolm*
Josephine Skriver
Kendall Jenner*
Ming Xi
Pauline Hoarau*
Valery Kaufman*
Vita Sidorkina *
*walking for the first time in #vsfashionshow.
The 9 square VS artwork is a photo montage (photobomb) I created of each model which then comes together when viewed on the Society NYC instagram page. (@thesocietynyc) and mine (@mekel_illustration).


Adriana Lima Kendall Jenner Society Management Victorias Secret Fashion Show Feathers
 VSFS Kendall Jenner Victorias Secret Fashion Show  VS Models VSFS Kendall Jenner Victorias Secret Fashion Show  VS Models VSFS Vita Victorias Secret Fashion Show  VS Models VSFS Kendall Jenner Victorias Secret Fashion Show  VS Models VSFS Kendall Jenner Victorias Secret Fashion Show  VS Models VSFS Kendall Jenner Victorias Secret Fashion Show  VS Models VSFS Valery Kaufman Victorias Secret Fashion Show  VS Models