My biggest hoarding installation ever for Sunshine Plaza. 90 metres over two levels created with Gloss Creative, marine fashion illustrations embellished with the underwater botanicals and sea creatures from the sparkling oceans of the Sunshine Coast.

The future shines bright…
Sunshine Plaza has unveiled approx. 100-metres of treated semipermeant hoarding that will provide a safety barrier where works have commenced to connect the existing centre with the new mall. The two 50-meter-long hoardings measure up to 5.4-meters high and exhibit custom designed artwork featuring hand drawn illustrations by world renowned artist Mekel.
The custom design incorporates coastal themes of natural light and oceanic reef and also hints at the elevated fashion offering which awaits behind the hoarding, to be revealed with the launched redevelopment. Mekel’s fashion illustrations are grounded in her oceanic reef and sea life watercolors, while 3D materials bring the underwater landscape to life, replicating the unseen movement of water, all-together celebrating the Sunshine Coast region and the bright future of Sunshine Plaza.